My Kitchen Cabinet

A fellow Barnard alum once told me: “As you progress in your career, you need to build yourself a kitchen cabinet.”

When it comes to candidate campaigns, a candidate’s “kitchen cabinet” are their inner circle, the people who were there before they were running for office, before they had the confidence to put their names on a ballot. They’re the people who won’t be yes-men, who will call you out when you’re not being true to yourself. When it comes to your own life, even if you have no political aspirations, your kitchen cabinet can be just as important.

Today, I had an interview in New York City, and afterwards was feeling unsure about how it went, and I couldn’t pinpoint why. So I called up a few members of my kitchen cabinet – my college roommates who’ve known me since I was 18 and before I entered the crazy world of politics and political data. Over cocktails and cheese, I gave the play-by-play, they asked pointed questions (knowing the background of what I’m looking for in a job), and I came out the other side feeling good about whatever the outcome may be.

My kitchen cabinet has grown since I was 18, but those first members of my kitchen cabinet continue to play a crucial role in my life. I’m thankful that they’re always game for debriefing an interview, discussing potential career options, critiquing possible new relationships or partnerships. ❤



Slice of Life is a daily writing challenge during the month of March hosted by Two Writing Teachers. Visit their blog for more information about the challenge and for advice and ideas about how to participate.

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